Most occupations were for males only. A member can portray any occupation, however, they must portray the period gender, i.e., a butcher would be a male persona. Many occupations would have ranks of apprentice, journeyman or assistant. If located within the City of London, some would require membership in a guild. While an occupation may be too upper class for members, an apprenticeship to one might be acceptable.
Actor – Man or boy who performs in a stage play (also a Player) (for a female member who adopts a
male persona, this could lead to a female doing a male actor impression, who plays a female)
Apothecary – Person who sells drugs and herbs
Armorer – Person who makes armor for soldiers
Astrologer – Person who predicted events by “reading” the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon
Baker – Person who prepared bread, pastry, and other baked goods
Bard – Poet or storyteller (see also Playwright)
Beadle – Minor church official who kept order during services and performed menial tasks; messenger
for law courts
Bellmaker – Maker of bells
Blacksmith – Maker of horseshoes and other objects from iron heated in a forge
Boatman – Boat operator (see also Waterman)
Bookbinder – Binder of published manuscripts, journals, diaries, etc.
Bowyer (or Bower, Boyer) – Maker of bows that shoot arrows
Brazier – Maker of brass objects
Brewer – Maker of beer and ale
Bricklayer – Person who sets bricks
Butcher – Person who cuts meat
Carpenter – Person who makes and repairs items of wood
Chandler – Person who makes candles from wax or tallow
Chapman – Operator of a warehouse; trader, peddler
Cheesemonger – Person who sells cheeses
Chimney Sweep (or Sweeper) – Person who cleans soot from chimneys
Clergyman – Man who serves as a parish priest
Clerk – Keeper of accounts and records
Clockmaker – Person who makes and repairs clocks
Cocker – Person who breeds, trains, and handles fighting roosters, or cocks
Constable – Officer of a court or town watch
Cook – Preparer of food in a household
Cooper – Person who makes barrels
Coppersmith – Person who makes, repairs, and repairs items of copper
Cordwainer – Shoemaker
Crier – Person who walks the streets ringing a bell as he shouted news and proclamations
Currier – Person who prepares tanned leather by soaking, scraping, coloring, or beating it
Cutler – Person who makes, sells, sharpens, and repairs knives
Draper – Dealer in woolen cloth
Drayer or Drayman – Person with a horse-drawn cart for transporting heavy loads
Dyer – Person who dyes cloth
Embroiderer – Person who uses needlework to make designs on fabric
Falconer – Person who breeds and trains hunting falcons and hawks
Farrier – Blacksmith who specializes in making horseshoes
Fletcher – Person who makes arrows
Fowler – Person who hunts and sells game birds to kitchens
Fripperer – Person who sells second-hand clothes
Fruiterer – Person who deals in fruit
Fuller – Person who cleanses, thickens, and fulls cloth. To full cloth means to take knitted items and
make them thick, like felt
Furbisher – Person who polished or burnished various objects
Gamekeeper – Person who supervises the woods of a landowner and guards against trespassers.
Gardener – Person skilled at tending gardens
Grocer – Person who sold foods and general household supplies
Glazier – Person who cuts and installs glass for windows
Glover – Maker of gloves
Gravedigger – Person who digs graves
Groom – Male servant in a household; male who tends, feeds, and cleans horses in a stable
Haberdasher – Person who sells men’s clothing
Hatmaker – Person who makes hats
Herbalist – Person who grows, sells, or studies herbs, mainly for use as medical remedies
Hosier – Knitter of socks and stockings (hosiery)
Husbandman – Farmer
Innkeeper – Person who owned or hosted an inn
Ironmonger – Dealer in hardware
Jeweler – Person who makes, repairs, and sells items of jewelry
Joiner – Person who makes cabinets, furniture, interior woodwork, doors, window sashes, and other
wooden objects
Latten Maker – Maker of thin sheets of brass or an alloy. Latten was used to make church vessels and utensils.
Limner – Person who colors books, etc.
Linen Draper – Dealer in linen cloth
Locksmith – Person who makes keys and installs and repairs locks
Lorimer – Maker of metal parts for harnesses and other riding gear
Mason – Person who works with stone (see also Stonecutter)
Mattressmaker – Maker of mattresses
Monger – Merchant who sells goods from a cart or other device. Examples: fishmonger, ironmonger
Musician – Person who sings or recites to the accompaniment of an instrument
Ostler – Operator of an inn that rents rooms and stable space and serves food and drink
Painter – Person who paints walls, signs, etc
Peddler – Itinerant seller of merchandise (also spelled Pedlar)
Pewterer – Person who makes and repairs items of pewter
Physician – Medical doctor
Pinmaker – Person who makes and sharpens pins (a very low-class job)
Player – (see Actor)
Playwright – Person who writes plays (also a Bard)
Plummer – Works in lead
Porter – Doorkeeper, gatekeeper
Potter – Person who makes items of clay
Poulterer – Dealer in poultry and other game
Printer – Person who sets type in a form for printing; owner of printing business
Puppeteer – Person who stages puppet shows
Purser – Ship officer who keeps financial accounts and secures valuables for passengers
Ratcatcher – Person who catches rats for hire
Roper – Maker of ropes
Saddler – Maker of saddles and bridles
Sailor – Woks for hire about ships
Salter – Person who sells salt or salts meat, fish, and other food
Sawyer – Person who saws wood for construction
Secretary – Person who write documents, employed by a businessman or other important person
Servant – Person who carries out routine household chores (can be a very high end job)
Shepherd – Person who herds and watches over sheep
Shipwright – Carpenter who builds and repairs ships
Shoemaker – Person who makes and repairs shoes; cordwainer
Sieve Maker – Maker of sieves (strainers or sifters)
Skinner – Person who removes the skins of animals and prepares them for sale; seller of hides
Slater – Person who lays slate on roofs
Soapmaker – Person who makes soap
Spoonmaker – Maker of spoons (also a Horner)
Spurrier – Maker of spurs
Stonecutter – Person who cuts, shapes, and carves stone (see also Mason)
Street seller – Seller of goods (fruit, food, small goods) in the street, from a basket (very low class job)
Tailor – Person who makes clothing
Tanner – Person turns hides into leather by soaking it in tannin, a chemical that prevents decay
Tapster – Bartender
Taverner – Person who maintains a tavern
Thatcher – Person who thatches (covers roofs with straw or other plant material)
Tiler – Person who installs roof tiles
Tinker – Traveling handyman who repairs almost anything; jack-of-all trades
Tranter – Peddler who sells his wares from a horse-drawn cart
Tumbler – Entertainer who performs handsprings, somersaults, and other feats requiring physical agility
Turner – Person who shapes wooden objects, such as table legs, on a lathe
Warrener – Person who breeds or catches rabbits
Waterman – Operates a small boat for crossing the Thames (also a Wherryman)
Weaver – Person who makes cloth
Wheelwright – Person who makes and repairs wagon, cart, and carriage wheels
Wiredrawer – Person who draws metal into wire
Woodcarver – Person who carves wood to make it decorative
Alewife – Woman who brews ale and sells it from her home
Apothecary – Person who sells drugs and herbs
Baker – Person who prepared bread, pastry, and other baked goods
Bawd – Keeper of a brothel
Brewer – Maker of beer and ale
Cook – Preparer of food in a household
Dyer – Person who dyes cloth
Fishwife – Woman who sells fish
Herbalist – Person who grows, sells, or studies herbs, mainly for use as medical remedies
Hosier – Knitter of socks and stockings (hosiery)
Housewife – Woman who keeps a home; can assist in husband’s business
Innkeeper – Person who owned or hosted an inn
Lacemaker – Woman who makes lace
Laundress – Woman who washes clothes
Maid – Female servant, such as barmaid, chambermaid, milkmaid, or housemaid
Midwife – Woman who delivers babies
Milkmaid – Woman who milks cows; dairymaid; vendor of milk
Needleworker – Woman who mends and repairs clothing
Peddler – Itinerant seller of merchandise
Pinmaker – Person who makes and sharpens pins (a very low-class job)
Seamstress – Woman who sews for a living (shirts and shifts only)
Servant – Person who carries out routine household chores
Street seller – Person who sells food or goods in the street, from a basket (very low class job)
Taverner – Person who maintains a tavern
Washerwoman – Woman who washes clothes
The following Occupations should be avoided, either because they are too upper-class, or they already exist within the Bandes. Check with the Education Officer to see if there are potential conflicts.
Barrister (Lawyer, Attorney)
Gentleman Adventurer
Instrument Maker
Any government official
Any merchant
Any position that requires University education
- 02
– Minimal clothing (required)
– Minimal personal gear (required)
– Highly recommended
- 05
– Games
– Indoor
– Outdoor
– Music
– Dance
– Entertainment Items – Highly recommended
Trayn’d Bandes of London Publications
- – The Englishe Breviat
– The Elizabethan Trained Bands
– Pious, Bibulous and Rude (song and game book)
– The Tudor-Stuart Sourcebook
– A Living History Guide to Elizabethan Southwark
Additional Publications
The Elizabethan Handbook, Vox Clamantis Monograph 2
The Elizabethan Language Book, G. Zepeda, Renaissance Entertainment Corp.
Daily Life in Elizabethan England, J. Singman, Greenwood Press